Monday, October 31, 2011

Noodles, Noodles and More Noodles!!!

This is something I always look forward to! Every year the week before the Mennonite Relief Sale a big group get together to make noodles to sell. It starts with 20 dozen eggs, 50 pounds of flour and a lot of willing workers. This year we had about 20 people show up to help.

It is so much fun hanging out with these older ladies and gentlemen and visit while you work for the 4 to 5 hours it takes to make these wonderful noodles. I always hear some really interesting stories!

Eva Neufeld and Carolyn Winter usually get there earlier than anyone else and start making the dough, so that when the rest of us get there we can start the kneading and rolling process. Eva always mans the mixer.

Carolyn breaking the eggs for the mixer.

Marcia Shewey was the kneader today. Everyone just jumps in anywhere they can.


There were probably about 10 noodle machines there today and we had them all working hard. This is Millie and Gene rolling out the dough into strips to dry.

There were at least 5 or 6 racks for drying and they were all full several different times.

Every table in the dining hall was full of noodles that will dry over night before packaging.

Rolling, rolling, rolling!!!

These are the wide noodles.

And finally the thin noodles. After we are all finished cutting and laying out the noodles, we get to sample them. Carolyn fixed a great big roaster full of chicken and noodles and it was so yummy!!! If you have never done this, you really ought to try it. It is so much fun!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Girls

Just goofing around with Animoto, but turned out pretty cute! All about my grands! Just click below to view the video.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

There's A New Hurst In Town

October has been a blur in the Hurst household!! We have been so busy getting Daniel and his beautiful bride married. It has been a wonderful time in our family and we are so blessed to have another sweet daughter-in-love!! Yes, it's love, not law! Here is just a sample of pictures from our fun weekend October 8th.

Kensi and her Dad as they walked down the aisle. She looked beautiful!!

Daniel was fighting tears when he saw her for the first time. The tears won!! I am so glad they didn't take pictures together before the wedding. Call me old fashioned!!

The excited mothers waiting for the wedding to start!

Watching the photographer taking pictures of our side of the family (and waiting for their turn) before the wedding.

Dancing at the reception!! So much fun!

At the end of our Mother - Son dance and a good cry! It was such an emotional day. Daniel and I both cried a lot! Happy tears, though!

Papa dancing with his Jelly Bean!

This is the only catastrophy that happened. The cake fell apart during transport to the reception and couldn't be saved. Only the 6" top cake survived. The poor lady that was delivering the cake was hyperventalating by the time she got there. The only thing that could be done as late as it was, was to go to Wal-Mart and buy some cupcakes. Kensi handled it very well. Her reaction was "Oh well, I got Daniel, that's all I need!" So glad she wasn't a bridezilla about it!